World Association For Sexual HealthFederación Mexicana de Educación Sexual y Sexología A. C.


World Association For Sexual Health
Federación Mexicana de Educación Sexual y Sexología A. C.


Saturday October 12, 2019

How to register

To register for the workshop, please fill in the online Registration Form.

More details regarding the payment here.


Descriptions of the workshops in a pdf file available here.

Title Presenter Language Standard Fee Student Fee Hall
Use of mindfulness-based therapy for women with sexual dysfunction and genital pain Lori Brotto English USD 50 USD 30 1
Flexibilizando rigideces y abriendo posibilidades: Taller terapia sexual y de pareja centrada en soluciones Rodrigo Jarpa Schäcker Spanish USD 50 USD 30 2
Inter-Cultural Fluency: From Cultural Literacy to Inter-Cultural Proficiency Sara Nasserzadeh English USD 50 USD 30 3
Herramientas para la defensa de la educación sexual laica Armando Javier Díaz Camarena Spanish USD 50 USD 30 4
Apapacho: Acariciar con el alma / Caressing with the Soul Cecilia Peregrina Bancalari English and Spanish USD 50 USD 30 5

Use of mindfulness-based therapy for women with sexual dysfunction and genital pain

(Offered in English)

Lori Brotto

Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of British Columbia
Conducts research on women’s sexual health and difficulties, develops and tests psychoeducational interventions for women with sexual desire and arousal complaints, and studies many aspects of sexual health

Description of the workshop

Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. This workshop will provide a review of the research on the subject and examples of how mindfulness is applied for the treatment of women with sexual dysfunctions and genital pain problems.



Flexibilizando Rigideces y Abriendo Posibilidades: Taller Terapia Sexual y de Pareja Centrada en Soluciones

(Offered in Spanish)

Rodrigo Jarpa Schäcker

Psychologist, Master in Clinical Psychology and Doctor in Human Sexuality. Member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counsellors and Therapists

Descripción del taller


  • Profundizar en el conocimiento y formación en Sexualidad Humana desde una orientación constructivista/integrativa, junto con el entrenamiento en habilidades y herramientas clínicas en pro del bienestar sexual integral, desde el modelo centrado en soluciones.
  • Conocer y actualizar conocimientos respecto al estudio sistemático de la Sexualidad Humana.
  • Confrontar actitudes, juicios y valores de los profesionales con respecto a la Sexualidad Humana Postmoderna, apelando a una mirada crítica y personal.
  • Generar competencias terapéuticas integrales para el trabajo clínico.
  • Identificar y ejecutar formas de intervención terapéutica especificas ante problemáticas particulares.
  • Fomentar el trabajo con las fortalezas y recursos de las personas, considerando la diversidad como constitutiva de la dimensión sexual humana, promoviendo los derechos sexuales y reproductivos



Inter-Cultural Fluency: From Cultural Literacy to Inter-Cultural Proficiency

(Offered in English)

Sara Nasserzadeh

Social Psychologist and a thought leader in the fields of Cultural Fluency, Diversity & Inclusion, and Sexual Health & Relationships
Los Angeles, California

Description of the workshop


  • To establish a working definition for culture, cultural literacy and cultural proficiency
  • To establish an understanding of different segments of the Wheel of Context for Sexuality Education as the context of the workshop
  • To identify personal trigger points, intersectionality of influencers and areas for growth
  • To suspend judgment in order for a greater understanding of “the other”
  • To develop critical thinking of contextual matters in order to inform a respectful and effective practice
  • To develop cultural proficiency resulting in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with your target group
  • To accumulate practical tools to take away for everyday practice



Herramientas para la defensa de la educación sexual laica

(Offered in Spanish)

Armando Javier Díaz Camarena

Sexuality educator, Psychotherapist, Human Rights activist and researcher on issues of gender, diversity and sexual rights. Doctor in Social Science with a specialization in Sociology from the Colegio de México

Descripción del taller
  • Los movimientos conservadores han tenido embates discursivos en contra de la educación sexual y los derechos sexuales en los últimos años; especialmente se han difundido argumentos que aparentan estar basados en la ciencia y los derechos humanos, información que fomenta el miedo de la población a la pérdida del orden social, y su con concepto de “ideología de género”, que les ha permitido acusar a los gobiernos como si estuvieran violentando las libertades e imponiendo falsas creencias. Estos argumentos han logrado tener efectos en sumar aliados a sus demandas e influir para obstaculizar leyes en materia de matrimonio igualitario, acuerdos de paz y el reconocimiento del derecho a la identidad de género.
  • Objetivo: generar estrategias de acción para defender la educación sexual laica a partir de la reflexión sobe los fundamentos de la laicidad educativa en sexualidad y el análisis de las estrategias de los grupos conservadores.
  • Método: Se trabajará a través de ejercicios participativos de análisis de teoría, discursos, marco normativo y planificación, así como una exposición



Caressing with de Soul

(Offered in Spanish and English)

Cecilia Peregrina Bancalari

Psychologist. Master in Systemic Family Therapy, Education of Human Sexuality and in Sexual and Couple Therapy. Specialist in Sexual Education. Director and founder of the Center for Education and Care in Health and Sexuality
Guadalajara, Jalisco

Description of the workshop


  • Explore, in an environment of respect, the Mexican culture of peace, of caress, of providing well-being through contact.
  • Face to face and face other human beings who seek to make contact through a caress of souls, a look and an approach that does not require the word.
  • Be willing to connect in a human embrace that erases language differences and invites spiritual unity.


  • Macro Workshop based on the constructivist and participatory methodology. That facilitates education is a practice of freedom, the exchange of caresses in a safe environment and respectful of the right to be touched on the basis of consensus and acceptance. Non-erotic caresses that touch the soul.




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